Diana Khong – “Blood Orange”

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“My grandmother has no teeth, but still she smiles.”

Don’t miss this amazing poem from Diana Khong, Runner-Up in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.

Diksha Bijlani – “In Which I Resurrect Wonder Woman”

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“Sunlight falls on the curves of your skin with no complaints and does not wish to change your shadow. I wish people were like sunlight too.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem from Diksha Bijlani, Runner-Up in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.

Ebo Barton – “Value” (Video Contest Runner-Up)

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“This body has always felt like an old motel with no keeper, and a room that I would gladly leave if I could.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Ebo Barton, Runner-Up in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.

Pamela J. Peters – “My Once Life” (Contest Winner!)

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“I once lived when our language was beautiful; spoken everyday, and never misunderstood.”

Don’t miss this stunning poem from Pamela J. Peters, Winner of the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.

Khonsay: Poem of Many Tongues – “Threat”

“Threat” from, Khonsay: Poem of Many Tongues
“Our destiny is not to have an unfortunate end.”
Don’t miss this incredible poem from Khonsay: Poem of Many Tongues. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!
While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.

Franny Choi – “Whiteness Walks into a Bar”

Performing at Rustbelt 2016.

“Whiteness, you are a bad joke everyone’s too uncomfortable to laugh at.”

Don’t miss this great poem from Franny Choi, performing at the 2016 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam in Columbus, Ohio. Support Button on Patreon so we can continue to broadcast these amazing poets!
While you’re here, head over to
the Button store to check out our books and merch, including Button t-shirts in both female and unisex cuts, and books and more by many of your favorite Button artists.

T. Miller – “They Say” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“I’m afraid to say his name because the quicker I say his name, the quicker I’ll empty myself of his memories.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from T. Miller, performing at Button Poetry Live, March 2017. If you’re in the Twin Cities, don’t miss the next Button Poetry Live show, first Monday of every month in downtown Saint Paul.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax & more.