
We are excited you want to get in touch with us! We have a small staff and get a lot of email, so please read carefully below so your message can find the right person.

Sending Poetry

Please note that we can not accept unsolicited poems or videos! Emails containing such will be ignored. We do host open submission periods, namely our annual Video, Chapbook, and Short Form contests. Read more about our contests on our Submissions page.

You can also learn more about our specific contests at our Video Contest FAQ,  Short Form Contest FAQ, and Chapbook Contest FAQ pages.

Store Support

If you are having issues with an order or have a question about our store, first check the Store FAQ. If you still are having an issue you can contact support using the blue ‘Contact Us’ button on the lower right of your screen, or contact:

Contest Support

Contests: Please check our Submissions page for an overview of all our contest information. You can also learn more about our specific contests at our Video Contest FAQ,  Short Form Contest FAQ, and Chapbook Contest FAQ pages.

If you entered a contest and are wondering about the progress of your entry, please be patient! Judging takes time so there isn’t a precise timeline available, and results will only be announced publicly by Button at the end of the process.

If you still cannot find information about contests you are looking for and think we can help, contact:

Press and Business Inquiries

For press or business inquiries, contact: