Alice Asch – “A World in Which I am An Extrovert who is Extraordinarily Good at Small Talk” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“I am watching you watch me finish my last sentence just so you can keep talking.”

Don’t miss this great poem from Alice Asch, performing at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Gabriel Ramirez – “Black Boy Auditions For His Own Funeral”

Performing at Rustbelt 2018.

“Take what flowers grow from me, make a bouquet from my mother, for all mothers who lose children and are left with shovels to bury what they thought would be the rest of their lives.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem from Gabriel Ramirez, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Desireé Dallagiacomo – “Sum Of Her Parts”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“Women in my family do not worry about being called bitch; we worry about being buried at the hands of the men we raise, about our daughters being too scared to say, ‘No, you cannot have what is mine.’”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Desireé Dallagiacomo, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN.

Desireé’s book, SINK, is now available to order! Get your copy now!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Brenna Twohy – “The Author’s Mother Writes a Grocery List”

Featuring at Icehouse.

Isn’t this what they taught us back in school? Isn’t this what good wifehood looks like? A hot, hot oven with something bubbling over inside? Dinner on the table and a house of closed mouths?

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Brenna Twohy, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Brenna’s forthcoming book, SWALLOWTAIL, is now available to pre-order!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Daniel – “The Rainbow Responds to All the White Queer People who Voted for Trump”

Performing at Rustbelt 2019.

“All furs matter, as long as you can skin them from someone else, right?”

Don’t miss this moving poem from Daniel, performing at the 2019 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in St. Louis, MO.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Andrea Gibson – “Your Life” (Short Film)

A Short Film by Andrea Gibson.

“Your name is not a song you will sing under your breath, your pronouns haven’t even been invented yet.”

Don’t miss this beautiful film from Andrea Gibson.

Make sure to check out Andrea’s book, LORD OF THE BUTTERFLIES, now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Golden – “To The Transphobic Cis White Gay Men at Pride”

Performing at Rustbelt 2018.

“Gay rights would be nothing without a trans woman of color behind it.”

Don’t miss this fantastic poem from Golden, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Blythe Baird – “On an Empty Stomach”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“Some days it feels like the only thing standing between me and a relapse is knowing that it is impossible to change the world on an empty stomach.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Blythe Baird, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Blythe’s book, IF MY BODY COULD SPEAK, is now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Bilal Moon – “The Worst of the Three” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“I don’t know what turns children evil, what prompts them to bigotry. I assure you, it is not natural instinct.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Bilal Moon, performing at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Sam Sax – “Gay Boys and the Bridges Who Love Them”

A Short Film.

“It’s not the six seconds between here and impact, though each is its own poem.”

Don’t miss this powerful film from Sam Sax.

Make sure to check out Sam’s book, A GUIDE TO UNDRESSING YOUR MONSTERS, now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!