Breeze the Poet – “Love Anyway”

Performing at Rustbelt 2019.

“You can tell he was too busy loving to know that there was a war going on.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Breeze the Poet, performing at the 2019 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in St. Louis, MO.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Michael Lee!

Barbara Fant – “Brown Bodies Bending”

Performing at Rustbelt 2018.

“My mom coached me on how we have to bend into words, feather enough to spew from their throats.”

Don’t miss this moving poem from Barbara Fant, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Michael Lee!

Michael Lee – “Out There” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“If I am alive now it is because of how many times I have failed.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Michael Lee, performing at Button Poetry Live in St. Paul, MN.

Grab your copy of Michael’s powerful book, THE ONLY WORLDS WE KNOW , now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Carlos Andrés Gómez – “12 Reasons to Abolish C.B.P & I.C.E”

Performing at Storytellers VIII.

“Most terrorist attacks in the United States over the past 200 years have been carried out by white American men. I have never seen a news headline calling a white American man a terrorist.”

Don’t miss this magnificent poem from Carlos Andrés Gómez, performing at Storytellers VIII.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Michael Lee!

Brenna Twohy – “Hey, Jeff Probst!”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“What do you call womanhood if not endurance? The way we withstand that which we did not believe withstandable.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Brenna Twohy, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Brenna’s forthcoming book, SWALLOWTAIL, is now available to pre-order!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Michael Lee!

AKeemjamal Rollins – “As Resistance”

Performing at Rustbelt 2018.

“Hold my shoulder blades tight, as if I know wings will burst forth at any moment.”

Don’t miss this moving poem from AKeemjamal Rollins, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Desireé Dallagiacomo – “Origin Story”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“Twenty-eight years later and everyone still wants him for his scars. The five on his stomach from a celly in San Quentin, a toothbrush chiseled to a shiv.”

Don’t miss this heart-wrenching poem from Desireé Dallagiacomo, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN.

Desireé’s book, SINK, is now available to order! Get your copy now!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

Angelica Maria Aguilera – “Steps on Burying the American Flag (acc. to American Disposal Services)”

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“Do you look at the rows of flags ever, and see only an assembly line?”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Angelica Maria Aguilera, performing at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!

K McClendon – “Zoo”

Performing at Icehouse.

“What makes a woman a woman? Is it a man’s confirmation? Is it his hands outstretched taking everything that isn’t his?”

Don’t miss this heartfelt poem from K McClendon, performing at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Andrea Gibson, Blythe Baird, Desireé Dallagiacomo, & our newest release from Dave Harris!