Emi Mahmoud – “Eulogy” (Button Live)

Featuring at Button Poetry Live.
“I had a dream last night: they strung me up like a song, but this time the noose said no.”

Don’t miss this magnificent poem from Emi Mahmoud, featuring at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Mahogany L. Browne, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Aaron Coleman, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, & our newest releases from Stevie Edwards and Claire Schwartz!

Rachel Wiley – “Dry Cake Wishes and Tap Water Dreams” (100K Views!)

“I wish him a lifetime of safety and platitudes, a soundtrack of fluorescent lights humming. I do not wish him me, though. Never me again.”

Congratulations to Rachel Wiley on topping 100,000 views on this incredible poem. Check out more videos from Rachel here and here.

Don’t miss Rachel’s forthcoming book, NOTHING IS OKAY, preorder now available!

And while you’re here, make sure to check out our other books and merch as well, including our awesome t-shirts and poster and books by Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

Donte Collins – “Still Life with Birth Certificate”

Performing at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

“You have breath where you should have nothing.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem by Donte Collins, performing at Sabrina Benaim‘s book release at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Check out Donte’s amazing book, AUTOPSY, named one of NPR’s Best Books of 2017!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, & our newest releases from Stevie Edwards and Claire Schwartz!

Best of Button Week 150

“There is nothing rational about love. Love stutters when it gets nervous, love trips over its own shoelaces. Love is clumsy, and my heart refuses to wear a helmet.”

Don’t miss this week’s Best of Button playlist, featuring the top-viewed recent videos on the Button YouTube Channel. Today’s additions: Rudy Francisco, Olivia Gatwood, Sabrina Benaim, & Guante. Congrats poets!

Don’t miss Guante’s incredible book, A LOVE SONG, A DEATH RATTLE, A BATTLE CRY, dropping in just a couple more weeks!

While you’re here on our site, make sure to check out our books and merchandise in the Button Store, including books by Danez Smith, Olivia Gatwood, Neil Hilborn, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

Paige Polk – “Redemption”

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“I am the universe with its arms outstretched: chaotic, impossible to end, but somehow, still, I am so beautiful.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem by Paige Polk, featured contestant in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, & our newest releases from Stevie Edwards and Claire Schwartz!

Melissa Lozada-Oliva – “Ode to Brown Girls With Bangs”

Performing at her book release in Minneapolis.

“you are meticulous because everyone is watching. you are afraid because it is the only way you know how to love.”

Don’t miss this marvelous poem from Melissa Lozada-Oliva, featuring at her book release party at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Make sure to check out Melissa’s new book, PELUDA, now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Aaron Coleman, Donte Collins, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

Hanif Abdurraqib – “And What Good Will Your Vanity Be When The Rapture Comes”

Performing at his book release in Los Angeles.

“Now I write beautiful things like I will never touch a beautiful thing again.”

Don’t miss this remarkable poem from Hanif Abdurraqib, performing at his book release at Art Share LA, in Los Angeles. Check out Hanif’s incredible debut book, “The Crown Ain’t Worth Much”.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Sam Sax, Olivia Gatwood, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

In-Depth Look: Franny Choi – “Split Mouth”

In-Depth Look: Franny Choi – “Split Mouth”

Appreciating poetry is often about patience: sitting with a poem, meditating on it, and re-reading it multiple times. With spoken word, we don’t always get a chance to do that. This series is about taking that chance, and diving a little deeper into some of the new poems going up on Button.

“Do you know that? What it means to come from catastrophe? To have no word for homeland except the crack of bone?”


Write-up by Kyle “Guante” Tran Myhre

Get Guante’s Book Here

Franny Choi’s work is always inspiring in its willingness to challenge the audience, to withhold easy answers and cultivate a more critical understanding of complex issues. This poem approaches that work by using personal narrative as an entry point into an exploration of something potentially abstract: how power isn’t just about armies and economics; it’s about whose definitions we accept, and who gets to set the terms of engagement for battles both physical and cultural.

That could be an essay. That could be a book. That could take any form– but as poetry, there’s a heightened awareness of the relationship between language and matter, between the symbol and the thing being symbolized. Note lines like “My mother’s tongue is a snipped string, a stripped stinger,” or “…except a myth that we were once whole, except a hole, rising from the ground, oh holy, holy the fractures through which lava comes…” I hear that wordplay, that use of assonance and consonance, that focus on homophones– not just as fun poetic pyrotechnics, but as the poem’s content (its interest in questions about language, identity, etc.) being elegantly reflected in its form.

One other thing I’d like to point out: the hand gesture at 2:47 is a fantastic example of how spoken word choreography doesn’t have to be super complex or flashy to be effective. That small movement does so much work as the poem approaches its conclusion.

Find more from Franny Choi here!


While you’re here on our site, make sure to check out our books and merchandise in the Button Store, including Guante’s own book, as well as titles by Danez Smith, Neil Hilborn, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

Brenna Twohy – “Anxiety: A Ghost Story” (1 MILLION VIEWS!)

“You love me like the family walking through Horror-Land holding hands. You are not stupid, or careless, or even brave, you’ve just never seen the close up of a haunting.”

Congratulations to Brenna Twohy on topping 1,000,000 views on this remarkable poem. Check out more videos from Brenna here and here.

And while you’re here, make sure to check out our other books and merch as well, including our awesome t-shirts and poster and books by Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, Rudy Francisco, and our newest releases from Claire Schwartz and Stevie Edwards!

Toaster – “Mondays” (Button Live)

Featuring at Button Poetry Live.
“Hello, love. Hello, moment allowed above the surface like a dolphin at war.”

Don’t miss this brilliant poem from Toaster, featuring at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Mahogany L. Browne, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Aaron Coleman, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, & our newest releases from Stevie Edwards and Claire Schwartz!