Button University: FreeQuency Workshop


Button University

6-week writing online course w/ FreeQuency!

Author of the poetry collection On|(Un-) Becoming, forthcoming from Button Poetry in 2024.

Pick your class day and time:

Sundays in April
2:00pm CT | Apr 21 – May 26, 2024

Class Duration: 2 hours via Zoom

Note: If you are gifting a Button U workshop, you MUST enter the recipients email address into the “Gift Message” field while checking out.


Welcome to Button University!

Poems for the Start of the World (w/FreeQuency)

Although we occupy the same planet, there are many many worlds within and upon our Earth. It can be argued that each of us is a world into our own. Global catastrophes like COVID 19 tend to make people focus on the negative aspects of the world endings forgetting that some worlds should end or should never have existed in the first place.

As Arundati Roy said – this pandemic is a portal. This begs the question, a portal to what? What roles do artists & storytellers play in world building? What worlds can our words help us imagine that were previously named impossible by others’ words? Rooted in the belief that “Words Create Worlds,” this social justice storytelling workshop will ask participants to engage in radical imagination and ideation as we write poems about the world(s) we want to dismantle, organize towards and be.

FreeQuency is the author of the poetry collection On|(Un-) Becoming, forthcoming from Button Poetry in 2024.

Have questions? Visit the Button Workshop FAQ page or contact support@buttonpoetry.com

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Day of the Week


