Kevin Kantor – “A Letter from Cancer” (250K Views!)

“Breathe with me, bleed out with me. We will waste away together.”

Congratulations to Kevin on topping 250,000 views on this sensational poem. Check out more videos from Kevin Kantor here and here.

Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

And while you’re here, make sure to check out our other books and merch as well, including our awesome t-shirts and poster and books by Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, and our newest release from Donte Collins!

Best of Button Week 126

“‘That time of the month’ has about double the amount of syllables as ‘period’.”

Don’t miss this week’s Best of Button playlist, featuring the top-viewed recent videos on the Button YouTube Channel. Today’s additions: Raych Jackson, Steven Willis, and Amir Safi. Congratulations poets!

One more week until Sabrina Benaim’s debut book, Depression & Other Magic Tricks, is released! Pre-order your copy today!

While you’re here on our site, make sure to check out our books and merchandise in the Button Store, including books by Aziza Barnes, Danez Smith, Neil Hilborn and our new book from
Donte Collins!

AJ Saleh – “Nujoom”

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“Sometimes you have to forget who you are to learn who you want to be.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem by AJ Saleh, featured contestant in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions run August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Rachel McKibbens – “Shiv”

Performing at the 2017 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“O’ to be permitted the luxury of only worrying about one thing at a time. O’ to be white in America and to wake up knowing every God is your God.”

Don’t miss this tremendous poem by Rachel McKibbens, performing at the 2017 Rustbelt Poetry Festival. Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Sierra DeMulder – “For My Niece Livia, Age 8” (100K Views!)

“I have enjoyed relearning you as you age. Every year unwraps a new layer.”

Congratulations to Sierra on topping 100,000 views on this beautiful poem. Watch more from Sierra here and here. Don’t forget to check out Sierra’s incredible book, We Slept Here.

And while you’re here, make sure to check out our other books and merch as well, including our awesome t-shirts and poster and books by Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, and our newest release from Donte Collins!

Anna Marie – “Lessons in the Mirror” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“Remind yourself that sometimes you have to wear out a record to go in search of a new one.”

Don’t miss this great poem by Anna Marie, performing at Button Poetry Live. If you’re in the Twin Cities, don’t miss the next Button Poetry Live show, first Monday of every month in downtown Saint Paul, or watch LIVE from our YouTube Channel.

Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Kwyn Townsend Riley – “PWI 10 Commandments”

2016 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“If I die in police custody, no I did not kill myself.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem by Kwyn Townsend Riley, featured contestant in the 2016 Button Poetry Video Contest. Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions run August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Hanif Abdurraqib, Jacqui Germain, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Olivia Gatwood – “Fourth Week of Two-a-Days in July”

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“got a fifteen-second water break ten minutes ago and now we’ve got six miles around the golf course that is supposed to be the color of money but around here, looks like horse food.”

Don’t miss this fantastic poem by Olivia Gatwood, performing at Button Poetry Live. If you’re in the Twin Cities, don’t miss the next Button Poetry Live show, first Monday of every month in downtown Saint Paul, or watch LIVE from our YouTube Channel.

Get your hands on a copy of Olivia Gatwood’s marvelous book New American Best Friend.

Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Muna Abdulahi – “Not A Leader” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“Instead of my parents teaching me how to ride a bike with no training wheels, they would practice pulling my headscarf off to teach me how to react.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem by Muna Abdulahi, performing at the Button Poetry Live. If you’re in the Twin Cities, don’t miss the next Button Poetry Live show, first Monday of every month in downtown Saint Paul, or watch LIVE from our YouTube Channel.

Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.

Jared Singer – “Just Take a Shower” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“The hardest thing I ever did was take a shower.”

Don’t miss this tremendous poem by Jared Singer, featuring at the Button Poetry Live, July 2017. If you’re in the Twin Cities, don’t miss the next Button Poetry Live show, first Monday of every month in downtown Saint Paul, or watch LIVE from our YouTube Channel.

Want to have your video featured on Button Poetry? Video submissions are open NOW, August 1st – September 15th!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out all our books and merch, including books by Neil Hilborn, Danez Smith, Jacqui Germain, Hanif Abdurraqib, Olivia Gatwood, our newest release from Donte Collins & more.