Bianca Phipps – “White River Writes Home”

A poetry film.

“Like you, I worry what you’d think of me if you knew the whole truth.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Bianca Phipps.

Bianca’s highly-anticipated debut book, CROWN NOBLE, is now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Nava EtShalom & Rachel Wiley!

Desireé Dallagiacomo – “Thighs”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“We are every man’s wet dream, even when we beg not to be. Even when we close like locked jaw.”

Don’t miss this fantasic poem from Desireé Dallagiacomo, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN.

Desireé’s book, SINK, is now available to order! Get your copy now!

Lalli Mangum – “Apology to the Woman at Ross”

Performing at Rustbelt 2019

“I’m sorry you are so full of hate and gas station hotdogs. I’m sorry you are the gas station hotdog of people.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Lalli Mangum, performing at Rustbelt 2019 in St. Louis, MO.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Bianca Phipps & Rachel Wiley!

Tiana Clark – “The Ayes Have It”

Filmed by Motionpoems

“I think of how when he tries to hold my hand sometimes, I pull away and now because I don’t love him.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Tianna Clark, filmed by Motionpoems.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Bianca Phipps & Nava EtShalom!

William Evans – “Social Experiment in Which I Am the Bear” (Button Live)

Performing at The Amp Room.

“She thought I was once a great beast that had been neutered down to civility.”

Don’t miss this magnificent poem from William Evans, performing at The Amp Room in San Antonio, TX for AWP 2020. Make sure to grab a copy of William’s book, STILL CAN’T DO MY DAUGHTER’S HAIR.

Get William’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Rudy Francisco & Javon Johnson!

Siaara Freeman – “Urban Girl Responds to the Yo Mama Jokes”

Performing at Rustbelt 2018

“My mama so magic, unicorns chose not to exist when they heard she was comin’.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Siaara Freeman, performing at Rustbelt 2018 in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Bianca Phipps & Rachel Wiley!

Guante – “Dust”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“I learned very early that ghosts are not just the disembodied spirits of the dead.”

Don’t miss this amazing poem from Guante, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN.

Get Guante’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Javon Johnson & Rachel Wiley!