Rachel Wiley – “Horoscope For The Premature Scorpio”

Featuring at Icehouse.
“Stop mourning. He will never be over you. He will be ungrateful and distracted but he will never have it so good. Karma, it’s petty that way.”
Don’t miss this remarkable poem from Rachel Wiley, featuring at her book release party at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Get Rachel’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, William Evans, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Jesse Parent – “The Parts of Her That Matter”

Performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“When we had to tell our kids that my wife had cancer, my eldest son held it together, made it into math. My daughter shattered like a slipped and soapy plate, but my youngest, the eight-year-old, went silent as sleep, eyes wide and wet.”

Don’t miss this magnificent poem from Jesse Parent, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Bao Phi – “Mouse” (Button Live)

Featuring at Button Poetry Live.

“Am I a good dad, or a bad dad? Am I beautiful or not? Am I good overall or bad overall? Am I useful or not? A bad poet or a good poet? Do I deserve to be alive or not?”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem from Bao Phi featuring at Button Poetry Live.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Janae Johnson – “Ode to my Ripped Pants” (Button Live)

Featuring at Button Poetry Live.

“I tried to be obedient once, and I liked being a poet a little bit more.”

Don’t miss this fantastic poem from Janae Johnson, featuring at Button Poetry Live.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Kenny Ngo – “A Prayer for Absence”

Performing at Inside Voices.

“To fill the space left by my grandfather, my mother places a plate on the table.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem by Kenny Ngo, performing for Inside Voices at Honey in Minneapolis.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Arianna Giorgio – “I Put You In This Box”

2017 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“I am a survivor, and honestly Cancer, I really don’t think you get a say in how I define myself anymore.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem by Arianna Giorgio, featured contestant in the 2017 Button Poetry Video Contest!

Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Shasparay – “Resignation Letter”

Performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“She told me to stop pulling the race card, and all I heard is that I need to stop acknowledging how obviously the deck is stacked against us.”

Don’t miss this fantastic poem from Shasparay, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Blythe Baird – “The Kindest Thing She Almost Did”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“When she tells me that she loves me and that she has a lying problem on the same day, I know I am completely and utterly fucked.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem from Blythe Baird, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

Want to be featured on Button? Check out our 2018 Video Contest, open now, August 1st – August 31st 2018!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Olivia Gatwood, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

A.M. Pressman – “One of the Good Ones”

Performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“I stay quiet when he talks about hunting. I stay quiet when he talks about Muslims, immigrants, queers, as if I am not one of them. As if I am not all of them. As if my silence can buy me safety.”

Don’t miss this remarkable poem from A.M. Pressman, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!