Neil Hilborn – “History of Punk Rock”

Featuring at 7th St Entry in Minneapolis.

“Even if I can’t remember, I was there, I was me, I was there.”

Don’t miss this sensational poem from Neil Hilborn, featuring at 7th St Entry in Minneapolis. Make sure to grab a copy of Neil’s newest book, THE FUTURE.

Get Neil’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Guante, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Jahman Hill – “White Heaven”

Performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“Last week, I was informed that when Black people die and go to heaven, they go through this purification process, and God will turn them white, like everybody else in heaven.”

Don’t miss this astounding poem from Jahman Hill, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Donney Rose – “Last Words”

2017 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“The cop’s gun said, ‘I need to request some time off,’ and the bullet said, ‘All these frequent flyer miles and I always seem to travel to dark destinations.’”

Don’t miss this powerful poem by Donney Rose, featured contestant from the 2017 Button Poetry Video Contest!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Angelica Maria – “The Star Spanglish Banner”

Performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival.

“An accent is just a mother tongue that refuses to let her child go.”

Don’t miss this phenomenal poem from Angelica Maria, performing at the 2018 Rustbelt Poetry Festival in Detroit, MI.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Olivia Gatwood, Hanif Abdurraqib, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Ollie Schminkey – “Experiences (Sexual)”

Performing at Honey.

“Ashley: I was her first kiss, but like it wasn’t gay. Okay, except now I actually am gay so maybe it was a little gay.”

Don’t miss this candid poem from Ollie Schminkey, performing at Honey in Minneapolis.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rachel Wiley, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Rudy Francisco – “Love Poem Medley”

Featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis.

“I loved you the same way that I learned how to ride a bike. Scared, but reckless. With no training wheels or elbow pads so my scars can tell the story of how I fell for you.”

Don’t miss this impeccable poem from Rudy Francisco, featuring at his book release party at Icehouse in Minneapolis. Get your copy of Rudy’s book, HELIUM.

Get Rudy’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Olivia Gatwood, Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Rachel Wiley, & our newest release from Neil Hilborn!

Kevin W. Burke – “When Asked Why I Listen To Music Where ‘They Scream So Much’”

2017 Button Poetry Video Contest.

“There are days when I choke on my own voice and my words are unreadable through tears, or night sweats, or bone bruises, or silence.”

Don’t miss this great poem by Kevin W. Burke, featured contestant from the 2017 Button Poetry Video Contest!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Donte Collins, Sabrina Benaim, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rudy Francisco, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Valin Paige – “A Poem in Which the Word ‘Alcohol’ Is Replaced by ‘Survival” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“Survival: verb. To refuse help, to live day in and day out in a haze.”

Don’t miss this stunning poem from Valin Paige, performing at Button Poetry Live.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rachel Wiley, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!

Andrea Gibson – “First Love”

Featuring at Button Poetry Live.

“I don’t think I ever really kissed any boys. I think my tongue had just been punching their tongues. But as soon as you loved me, all my callous went away, my hands so soft it hurt to pray.”

Don’t miss this beautiful poem from Andrea Gibson, featuring at Westcott Theater in Syracuse, NY.

Make sure to check out Andrea’s forthcoming book, LORD OF THE BUTTERFLIES.

Get Andrea’s Book Here

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, Hanif Abdurraqib, Donte Collins, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Rachel Wiley, Neil Hilborn, & our newest release from Phil Kaye!