A redefinition of what it means to laugh, cry, mop it up and start again
Jon Sands has traveled into a ridiculous world, where nothing is too hilarious to not be honest, and nothing is too honest to not get you pregnant. Best of all, he’s packed us in his suitcase. He represents an ever-changing population of those raised elsewhere who find themselves beckoned by the history, mystique, and magic-makers of New York City. These poems inhabit their own contradictions, and exquisitely navigate the many complicated sides of what it means to be alive.
Praise for Jon Sands
Jon Sands is a high-stakes, honest poet of wild range. Sands possesses the remarkable ability to celebrate just as deeply as he mourns & whichever city he moves through in his poems … one can be certain that there will be some singing. That’s just what these poems do.
– Aracelis Girmay, author of Kingdom Animalia
Sands scours buses in Queens, faceless bullets, and a city full of “back talk” to find a place where we can all “fall madly in Jon,” and we do. Always fresh, The New Clean is a poetics of triumph
– Michael Cirelli, Executive Director of Urban Word-NYC
About Jon Sands
Jon Sands has been a professional teaching and performing artist since 2007. He’s a recipient of the 2009 NYC-LouderARTS fellowship grant, and has represented New York City multiple times at the National Poetry Slam. He is the Director of Poetry and Arts Education Programming at the Positive Health Project, as well as a Youth Mentor with Urban Word-NYC. His work has appeared in decomP magazine, The Millions, Suss, The Literary Bohemian, Danse Macabre, The November 3rd Club, and others. He lives in New York City, where he makes better tuna salad than anyone you know.