Performed at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN
“I’ve never been one to bite tongues or turn cheeks, but like you, I’ve learned to say I was wrong.”
Don’t miss this poem from Ty Chapman, performing at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN
Get Ty’s book, Tartarus.
Performed at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN
“I’ve never been one to bite tongues or turn cheeks, but like you, I’ve learned to say I was wrong.”
Don’t miss this poem from Ty Chapman, performing at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN
Get Ty’s book, Tartarus.
Performed at IWPS 2015 in Washington, D.C.
“What is the word for taking bathroom breaks at your retail job to cry?”
Don’t miss this poem from Melissa Lozada Oliva, performing at IWPS 2015 in Washington, D.C.
Get Melissa’s book, peluda.
Performed at NorthBeast Regional 2023 Prelims
“Understands that my queerness remains as fluid as switching jerseys on different gamedays.”
Don’t miss this poem from Kai Wallin & Logan Lopez, performing at NorthBeast Regional 2023 Prelims
Shop Button Poetry.
Performed at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
“It is in this moment that I can’t help but believe that we were all cut from the same pumpkin.”
Don’t miss this poem from Kevin Yang, performing at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
Shop Button Poetry.
Performed at the Button Studio in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
“a bed, an urn for our sleep. a memory, an urn for that last breath.”
Don’t miss this poem from Ollie Schminkey, performing at the Button Studio in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
Get Ollie’s book, Where I Dry the Flowers.
“Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor, but made sure we never missed a slow song.”
Don’t miss this week’s Best of Button playlist. Today’s additions: Gabby Elvessie, Ollie Schminkey, Ebony Stewart, Schockie G., Nick Courmon, Jasmine Parks, Darian Dauchan, Jazzonfire, Angela Kong, Mario Reyes, Maria Michelle, Porshe Veu, and Meghann Plunkett! Congrats Poets!
Come back each week to see our newest and most popular videos.
While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, or check out our newest release from Ollie Schminkey!
Performed at The Button Poetry Studio in Longmont, CO in 2021.
“It’s why the truth is harder to tell every year you have more to lose”
Don’t miss this poem from Andrea Gibson, performing at The Button Poetry Studio in Longmont, CO in 2021.
Get Andrea’s book, You Better Be Lightning.
Performed at NorthBeast Regional 2023 Prelims
“Until then, I glisten no matter who’s watching, I’ll glimmer for my eyes only.”
Don’t miss this poem from EL Evelyn, performing at NorthBeast Regional 2023 Prelims
Shop Button Poetry.
Performed at the Button Studio in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
“how we tipped our chins and made the night echo against the trees”
Don’t miss this poem from Ollie Schminkey, performing at the Button Studio in Minneapolis, MN in 2023.
Get Ollie’s book, Where I Dry the Flowers.
Performed at WOWPS 2023 in Baltimore, MD
“All the times the ER turned us away, curling in agony, withering away, because care isn’t always committed to people of color”
Don’t miss this poem from Gabby Elvessie, performing at WOWPS 2023 in Baltimore, MD
Shop Button Poetry.