Muna Abdulahi – “To the Survivors in Silence Too” (Button Live)

Performing at Button Poetry Live.

“There is survivor in silence as much as there is in speaking out.”

Don’t miss this powerful poem from Muna Abdulahi, performing at Button Poetry Live.

Want to see your poem on Button? Submit your video! 2020 Video Contest is now open!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Nava EtShalom & Rachel Wiley!

Michael Lee – “Just Yesterday”

Featuring at Icehouse

“Sometimes, I too want to be a poem. I don’t want to be this pain, but the language used to unearth it.”

Don’t miss this amazing poem from Michael Lee, featuring at Icehouse.

Grab your copy of Michael’s powerful book, THE ONLY WORLDS WE KNOW , now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Nava EtShalom & Rachel Wiley!

Adam Falkner – “Straight Poem”

Featuring at Icehouse.

“When I say that he is a good looking man, I mean that entirely objectively.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from Adam Falkner, featuring at Icehouse in Minneapolis, MN.

Adam’s highly-anticipated debut book, THE WILLIES, is now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from George Abraham & Rachel Wiley!

Rachel Wiley – “Revenge Body”

The Amp Room.

“What if the rumor is true, and there is some skinny woman imprisoned inside my body begging to get out?”

Don’t miss this magnificent poem from Rachel Wiley, performing at AWP 2020 at The Amp Room in San Antonio, TX .

Get your copy of Rachel’s book, FAT GIRL FINISHING SCHOOL, now available!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Kerrin McCadden & Omar Holmon!

RJ Walker – “Brick”

Rustbelt 2019

“Brick is good at being brick. Brick graduated magna cum laude from Brick University, where brick learned how to be brick.”

Don’t miss this incredible poem from RJ Walker, performing at Rustbelt 2019 in St. Louis, MO.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Omar Holmon & Rachel Wiley!

Dasan Ahanu – “Conversation with God”

Filmed by Slamfind.

“I asked God, ‘What is it like to get all the credit without none of the blame?’”

Don’t miss this amazing poem from Dasan Ahanu, filmed by SlamFind.

Want to see your poem on Button? Submit your video! 2020 Video Contest is now open!

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Nava EtShalom & Rachel Wiley!

Sarah Kay – “Raccoon”

New Hampshire Institute of Art

“I am young enough to know that if you meet a magic cat you must bring him a gift.”

Don’t miss this amazing poem from Sarah Kay, performing at Phil Kaye’s book release show at The Bell House in Brooklyn, NY.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Omar Holmon & Rachel Wiley!