Best of 2019 #3: Gabriel Ramirez – “Black Boy Auditions For His Own Funeral”

Best of 2019 #5: Gabriel Ramirez – “Black Boy Auditions For His Own Funeral”

“Take what flowers grow from me, make a bouquet from my mother, for all mothers who lose children and are left with shovels to bury what they thought would be the rest of their lives.”

Heading into the new year, we’ll be counting down the top-viewed videos on Button from 2019! Coming in third on the list, “Black Boy Auditions For His Own Funeral” by Gabriel Ramirez. Congratulations Gabriel!

Note: This countdown list only covers a small fraction of the brilliant artists who let us share their work on our channel this year, and is by no means a definitive list of the “best” poems, simply the ones that got the most views.

Take some time and check out more from the past year on our channel.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and merch, including books by Sabrina Benaim, Neil Hilborn, Michael Lee, Blythe Baird, Raych Jackson, & our newest releases from Jared Singer & Porsha Olayiwola!