Arati Warrier & Ariana Brown – “Anger”

“Glory be the castle that refuses to burn.”

Check out this stunning new poem from Arati Warrier & Ariana Brown, performing for UT Austin at the College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational.

While you’re here, head over to the Button store to check out our books and t-shirts, including a brilliant book by Sam Sax, coach of the UT Austin team.

Dylan Book Interview

<b>Book description: </b>The poems in “Blueprints” investigate love, invention, creation, and the act of writing itself, positioning the reader as not just audience, but artist as well. “Blueprints” is Dylan Garity’s second chapbook, and contains poems from his senior honors thesis for Macalester College.

<b>Adverbs:</b> Tomorrow. Often upstairs. Home, accidentally.
<div><b>Why this book? </b>”Blueprints” is the culmination of almost four years of writing. This isn’t to say that there are four years of writing contained in the book; rather, I wrote all of these poems over the course of the last year. But this collection really brings together and builds on all the work I’ve been doing as a writer for much longer. I reached the point where I needed to create something unified, something cohesive, as opposed to just a scattering of individual pieces. “Blueprints” allowed me to create new work with a focus, work that explored my entire history as a writer, while simultaneously pushing me somewhere new.</div>
<div><b>Soundtrack: </b></div>
<div>Tallest Man on Earth – “The Gardener”</div>
<div>Bob Dylan – “Girl from the North Country”</div>
<div>Bright Eyes – “Nothing Gets Crossed Out”</div>
<div>Simon and Garfunkel – “Blues Run the Game”</div>
<div><b>Cardigan: </b>I tried to wear a cardigan once, and I didn’t like it. But I like my book.</div>
<div><b>My own question: </b>What’s your favorite poem in the collection?

Probably “Hanging Gardeners”. I feel like, with this poem, I’ve finally succeeded in something I’ve been trying to do in my poetry for a long time: move smoothly between multiple stories/narratives/scenes without losing momentum or direction in the overall piece.</div>